Cross Currents Sea Kayaking
Intermediate Skills - Advanced Skills - Instructor Certification - Trips
Victor Leon
Photo: Victor Leon
Victor Leon
ACA Certification Courses
​​​2024 Instructor and Trip Leader Training Schedule
Session #1: L2/L3 ICW, Upgrade and Updates
Dates: May 25 - 29, 2024
Location: Columbia Marina, Arlington, VA
Instructor Trainers; Mike Aronoff, Rick Wiebush
Cost: $150/day
This Instructor Certification Workshop (ICW) is for those who want to become L2 OR L3 ACA instructors. The L2 ICW is four days duration; the L3 is five days. A limited number of people wishing to Upgrade from L2 to L3, or to Update their current L2 or L3 certification may also be included. The number of days required for an Upgrade or Update will be determined on an individual basis.
The basic goal of the ICW is to prepare candidates to be competent ACA instructors. That means they have the knowledge and ability to efficiently/effectively plan and implement appropriate instructional sessions and assessments that include a range of strokes and maneuvers, as well as multiple types of rescues and towing. Successful candidates will also demonstrate knowledge of, and ability to teach, safety issues, use of chart and compass, weather forecasting resources, hyper and hypothermia, and leave no trace, among others. The ability to assess risk, manage groups and incidents, exercise leadership and good judgment are also emphasized.
The complete set of criteria for L2 can be found here: L2_EKT_InstCrit.pdf (
The complete set of criteria for L3 can be found here: L3_CK_InstCrit.pdf (
Note that the emphasis of the ICW is on learning how to teach. Consequently, candidates should bring to the ICW a strong grasp of basic skills, including strokes, maneuvers, and rescues. For both L2 and L3, candidates must have successfully passed an L3 skills assessment. Arrangements can be made for a separate skills assessment prior to the ICW.
Session #2: Outward Bound Trip Leader Training
Dates: June 11 - 18, 2024 (Tues - Tues)
Location: MD Eastern Shore
Instructor Trainer: Rick Wiebush
Note: Private training for Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound staff